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Global warming is no longer a prediction but a grim reality, impacting every human population across the world.  These changes to our shared environment has put tremendous stress on the resources needed to allow people to thrive, including access to clean water.  To navigate our ever changing climate it has become essential to not only preserve our clean water but also to recycle and reclaim the waters that have become tainted.   


Our planet is known as the blue planet because of all the water, approximately 71% of our surface is water.  Of that water, 97 % is salty or otherwise non potable.  Another 2% is frozen in ice caps and glaciers which leaves us with only 1% to fulfill our needs whether residential, commercial or agricultural.  Such a limited but essential resource requires significant improvements in our usage and reclamation of compromised water.  


Forward Water Technologies Corporation understands the effect that pollution and waste can have on our ecosystem and the human need for clean water. The industries below are but a small subset of essential industrial outputs that illustrate how significant our shared fresh water resources impact the world around us.  As integral as they may be, and innovative as they’ve been historically, there is always room for improvement in any operation that relies on immense amounts water for production.   


Brands promote “water-less” collections. However, the textile industry dyes approximately 28 billion kilograms of textiles per annum using 2 million Olympic sized swimming pools worth of water that becomes too contaminated for further use.  



Are lithium batteries going to be the wave of the future or the reason we don’t have waves? Lithium mining uses as much as 500,000 gallons of fresh water to extract just 1 ton of lithium. That single ton of lithium is enough to power 16 electric cars or 190,000 cell phones, but the water used could also provide drinking water for 2750 people for an entire year.  



Mass amounts of water are a critical component of producing power, but that same water becomes contaminated in the process before being returned to its source. Upon return, that water pollutes the source, damages the ecosystems within it, and pollutes the drinking water of local communities.  

Where legacy processes are no longer considered effective, modern-day solutions can be adopted for the benefit of industry, the environment, and humanity by integrating new advanced technologies.  


When new, improved, and environmentally beneficial solutions are required for supporting production, advanced leading edge systems can be fundamentally designed to be sustainable from the onset. 


This is where Forward Water Technologies comes in; enabling established systems to transform into more responsible operations and allowing new production to be sustainable from the first day of production.   


It is our mission at FWTC to pave the way by repairing past industrial production routes and establishing emerging industries with the best available water preservation approaches using our modern technology.   


Global on-going, and continued access to clean water is our mission.  


Forward Water is committed to protecting the world’s water and addressing water sustainability. 


Forward Water aspires to establish sustainable production patterns by reducing wastewater volumes and reclaim the clean water that today is often permanently lost or displaced from its source.   


Our technology targets industrial wastewater, oil and gas, mining, agriculture and ultimately municipal water supply and re-use market sectors.  By adopting Forward Water’s solutions, companies can reduce their carbon footprint, become more sustainable and improve their ESG profiles. 


At Forward Water, we believe in the importance of contributing to and working holistically with the community where we live and work to achieve sustainable development. Our technology is based upon innovation discovered at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, and is headquartered in the Sarnia-Lambton region of Ontario. We also extend this approach throughout the globe in conjunction with our partners which share our mission.  


To do ensure we do this and keep the objectives in focus we define and follow our Governance procedures and policies which have these principles embedding in them.  

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